Q. Do approved Jewelry Candles reps receive a discount on personal candle purchases?
A. Absolutely! As a rep you get 10% ($2.50) off personal purchases of our Jewelry Candles. Here's the best part though, once you have sold 25 candles you then get a lifetime discount of 20% off ($5.00) forever! We do this so new reps are motivated to get to their 25 sales and get a taste of success with our sales program! We feel that once you have made your first 25 sales you will be driven to keep pushing to get more and more and your confidence will grow from there.
Q. How much do I make per candle that I sell as a rep?
A. You make 20% which is $5 per candle. If you sell 25 or more candles on any given week between Sunday and Sunday, then you make $6.25 on your 25th candle and all candles above that one!
Q. Are Jewelry Candles easy or hard to sell?
A. The answer to this question is simple... if you truly believe in and love Jewelry Candles and jewelry and candles are something you are passionate about, then that will show on your customers and it will be very easy for you to sell them. You need to believe in and be truly passionate about things you decide to sell for you to be good at selling them. Just like doggies can sense fear from someone, potential customers can see if a rep is passionate about the product their selling and if that potential customer see's how much you love the product, they will want to purchase it so they can enjoy the product too! If you are outgoing, not shy and love talking to people then there's a great chance you would do VERY well selling Jewelry Candles!
Q. Are there a lot of people in my area selling these candles? I've never heard of em' till now!
A. Most likely you are going to be one of the very first people in your area selling our Jewelry Candles because we are a pretty new company and concept! This means that there is a HUGE opportunity for your to capitalize on your city or town where you live because there's a good chance you're one of the first people in your area to hear about Jewelry Candles! This means that EVERYONE in your area is a potential customer so the sooner you get started selling, the quicker you can have a steady customer base that comes back to you over and over again to purchase their Jewelry Candles!
Q. How am I allowed to market and sell the Jewelry Candles?
A. You may be as creative as you want to be in doing your sales. You may do home parties, catalog sales, fairs, all kind of creative ways that you can think of. Most of our reps have their most success showing off the catalog and organizing home parties. You may go here to get more ideas for promoting your Jewelry Candles business.
Q. As a rep, how often am I paid?
A. Checks are sent out on the 15th and the 29th of each month for your commissions. You will get a check cut for your commissions only when you have reached $25 or more in commissions. We do this so we don't have to send out hundreds of $5 checks every day hehe That would not be convenient for our accounting department.
Q. What if a customer pays with a check or cash how do I get my commissions?
A. Most of our reps if paid by check or cash just keep their commissions so they are paid instantly on that sale then send us over their debit card information so we can get our percentage for the sale.
Q. Do I make money from people that I recruit to sell for Jewelry Candles?
A. Though we do appreciate you getting the word out for us to people who would love to sell our Jewelry Candles, we are NOT a multi-level marketing company so we do NOT pay you to recruit people. We just allow you to sell our products as an independent consultant and you make money from YOUR sales efforts.
Q. How long do I tell my customers they need to wait in order to receive their Jewelry Candles once they put in the order with me?
A. We ask that you tell them to give us 5 to 7 business days before they will get their candle from the day you put in the order with us. That gives us enough time to comfortably process the order and make sure the customer gets the candle in time, especially with the holidays coming!
Q. Am I allowed to make a facebook page to market my Jewelry Candles business?
A. Absolutely! We love facebook and think that its a great marketing tool for our reps and many of our current reps have a lot of success with selling our candles using facebook. We do ask that you put the words "Jewelry Candles REP" on your page though so people can differentiate between your page and our main Jewelry Candles company facebook page! Thank you! PLEASE THOUGH DO NOT MARKET YOUR REP SITES ON OUR MAIN JEWELRY CANDLES FACEBOOK PAGE, IT IS NOT ALLOWED OR YOU WILL LOSE YOUR REP STATUS WITH US, THANK YOU!
Q. Do we offer samples or tarts to our reps so customers can get an idea of what our candles smell like prior to purchase?
A. Yes! We offer seasonal scents, as well as our classic line.
Q. How much can you make as an independent sales rep selling Jewelry Candles?
A. Really, it's up to you! We have some reps that make just a few extra bucks per week doing it part time and we also have some reps putting in some serious efforts marketing Jewelry Candles with their catalogs and parties that are already making hundreds per week. It's like anything else really, the more time and effort you put into marketing and promoting your candle business, the more income you'll make!